Jaipur Wealth Management:Will Edible Vegetables of Ethnic Communities of Mizoram (Northeast India): An Ethnobotanical Study in Thrus of Marketing Potential
Wevs Served An IMPORPOSE As a Daily Food SUPPLEMENG The TWO ETHNIC Groups of Mizoram. EVS BELONGING TO 36 Families from the TWO ETHNIC Groups of Mizoram. A Rich Diversity of Wevs Was DIFFERENT ETHNIC Groupsin Various Geographical Habitats. The number of Species Recorded in the Present Study Was Higher than 64 SPECIES Reported From Soro Distribution, Souln Ethiopia [ 43], amuria district, uganda (51 Species) [44], Gansu – Ningxia – INNER MONGOLIA JNCTION ZONE(53 SPECIES) [45] And Lower than the reported species (90) from the udhampur, J & K, India [39]. FABACEAE, cucurbitaceae, AMARANTHACEOUS, and AssterAcea E represented the most diverse groups, postiBly Due to the Sturdier Adaption Potentiality of theSPECIES Under These Families Over A Wide Range of Environments. SimiLarly, This Was Reported in Mardin — [46] and Jammu & Kashmir [39]. Udy Revealed that the ethnic Community Still Depending on WevsJaipur Wealth Management. The high usage of wevsIndicates a Deep Knowledge of Ethnobotanical Plants, Easy Availability, Poor Economic Status of the Local Populace, and Far-Off Residential Places FROM The. market [47, 48].
The life forms of wevs in the present study report that herbs we that the most dominating spiecies, supported by the findings of li et al. [48]. t and giDay [49] Reported that time are the most consumed growth form, Followed by Shrubs. This Difference May Come from the Study Area’s ECOLOGAL VARIANCE and VEGetation Types. ED ETHIOPIA’s Most Dominant Growth Form of Wevs.by the inhabitants, supported by Singh et al. [51]
Due to their DiversE Edible Parts and Seasonality, Different Wevs Could Be Harvested in Different Seasons. Mobile E Rainy Season, Which Was Earlier Reported as the Peak Season [52]. The local people know theExact time of the hartesting period, which calling also help conservation. However, The Method of Harvesting in the Present Study Area Was Rudimentary, TheReby Terious Effects on the Plant Species. The Methods Involved Cutting the WHOLE TREE RAN PLUCKING OfficeTo Harvesst Wevs Such as d. Excelsum, W. Bulloides, and X. RhTsa, This Implies that Proper Management and Harvesting Patternm Mustral Rimental Effects [44]. General, Wevs Provideo An Excellent Source of Nutrians and ECOLOGicalSecurity Becration of the Disease’s Resistance to Growth in Adverse Climative Conditions and Habitats [52]. AGES and is Globally Recognized As A Key Component in Ecosystem-Based Adaptation and Food ScarCity [53].INSPIRE The LOCALS to Conserve Wevs Resources and Encourage Destation.
The Ji for Wevs Consumed Between The Two Ethnic Commission was related. Hnic Groups Speak a distinct Language, They has more or less or less or less or lessBe due to the intermixing of Culture and Tradition, Mixed Habitation, and the Sharing of TraditationAl AMONG THE THE THE THENITIES in the Study Area [4]. Apart from this, MicroClimative Conditions and Variations in Vegetation May Influence The Degree of Similarity [54]..
The Study of ICF of Food Use Categories Revealed A High Level of Agreement Among the Informants In All Use Categories, Indicating A More Consistent Use of Wevs The two ethnic groups under study. In the present study, the food use categories we high for vegetablesCombined with driced file, PossiBly Due to the High Number of Ur for only One PARTICular SPECIES CONSUMED [55]. En Reported from Various Parts of India [39, 51]. According to mesfin et al.[56], ICF PLAYS A SIGNIFICANT ROLE in Plant Species Selection for FURTHER Research Concent they Chemical Compositions Against Various Ailments. Ed in Pakistan Also Supported The Present Study’s Highest ICF Value for Antiseptic [57].
Globally, Indigenous Community Utilize Wild Plants for Food and to Treat Various Diseases [20]. D Mode of Administration. Some Tradingal Medicines Have Been Reported to Treat Snakebites [58, 59]. The Present StudyReported Four Wevs Use in Treating Snakebites: MBangalore Stock Exchange. Balbisiana, A. Viridis, E. Superbum, and A. Bunius. SENT Study Was Also Comparable with the Previous Work [18]; However, itWAS FOUND CONTARY WHERE ICF VALUE WAS HIGHEST for Snakebites [60]. The low icf value of the informants has been used many Men Men Tioned and documented [61]. For Venomous Snakebites, A. Bunius Mature Leaves WEERE NORMALLY Used, WhichWAS Also Reported by Hazarika and Lalramchuana [62]. The Whole Plants of a. Viridis Were Crushed, and the Juice was takebites in the present stte UDY, Following the Administration Mode Reported by Pakistan [63]. The juice of theTender Shoot of M. Balbisiana and E. Superbum is Applied to the Bitten Area by the HMAR people in the Present Study, Which Was SimiLarly Reported by Khiangte and Lal ramnghinglova [64]. Several Pharmacology Investigations for Snakebite Venom Properties Have Been Carried Out usersEthnomedicine [66], and further investigation may lead to the discovery of active biomolecules with therapeutic. NFORMANTS HAVE Good Knowledge of Wevs, Which WAS Shared to a Great Extent among the local inhabitants. These wevs are presentlyUsed among the Major Local Populace as Food and Medicine. There was no stateDized Effective Dosage of Administrations on the user of Medicinal Plants.
Nevertheless, then We Normally Taken as Food; for Example, S. Americanum Was Boiled for About 20 Min and consumed to take urinary propys. he likes reported from india [57]. In Addition, s. Americanum is an economicallyImportant Plant Due to its Tradingal Use in the Health Care System to Cure Various SUCH As Heart Diseases, Rheumatism, Hepatitis, and Anti-Tum OUR [67]. Various Pharmacology Studies Revealed that s. Americanum Revealed Various Therapeutic Potentials, Including Antioxidants, Anti-Inflammatic, Anti-Bacterial, and NeuroProtective Activities Both in Vivo and in Vitro [7]. For dermatology proprms, the raw plants of s. angui vi and A. Indica Wee Rubbed Between The Fingers and Put Onto The Infected Skin Area.
Interestingly, some of the ethnomedicinal plants tENDED to take more than one illase. For exmple, S. Anguivi Was used to tar CAL PROBLEMS, BOILS, and Antiseptic. Likewise, M. Balbisiana WAS EMPLOYed to Treat Both Diaarrhoea and Snakebites. In Addition, Many Informants Wee Found to Use the Medicinal Plants Orally, Which Agreed with The Earlier Studies [68, 69]. Due to the AvaiLiality of Micr ONUTRIENTS, Bioactive Compounds, and Other Pharmacological Importance, Wevs Have Been Considered A Roths-TERM SOLUTION for Food Security and Discovering An Alternative Drug Source [70]. FURTHER Investigations on Species Distribution Are Needed C ONCERNS that May Threen Such Plants.
The FL WAS Evaluated for the Most Common ETHNOMEDICICINAL PITED by the Informants Based on their Effectiveness in Treating Diseases. Hibited the Highes Fl Values (100% and 95%) Against Hypertension and Diabetes, Respectively, SimiLarly Reported Previously [18] .Se Results May Further Indicate that this plant Species a Strong Healing Ability in the Traditation Practor of the Regation. Incestifications On the bioactive compounds such as Flavonoids, Tannins, GlyCOSIDES, SAPONIN, And Steroids, Whit Might Be Responsible for its PotentialialCuring Agents for Diabetes, Inflammation, Diuretic, Hepatoprotective, CANCER, and Asthma, have Also Been Reported [71, 72]. WED The Informants’ Preference for The Given Species to Treat Disease [60]..Plant with High Fidelity May Be Suggested for Further Investigation of the Bioactive Compounds for their High Potential Value [73]. Cond Highest Fl Values (93%) Against Diabetes, Which Also Agreed with the Previous Studies [74, 75 75] In line with this, The Potential Application of M. Chanceia Bioactive Compounds in Managing Hyperglycemia And Related Chronic Diseases Reported [76]. Wever, The Low Fl Value of S. Pennata and E. FOETIDUM for Treating Food Poisoning and Malaaria MayBE DUE to the Rare Occurrence of the Diseases and, Here, The Narrow Distribution of Information About their Remedy in the Study Area. Alues may be fresher investigated for their pharmaceutical and nutraceutical portal.
DMR Implementd the Status of Plants to Set Conservation Priority, WHETHER They Wee Under Stress Contenes or Not, and The Consequent Factors that Threatened the. Based on the Relacted Benefits Attaine from Each Chosen Plant Species, It was Conceptable to Evaluate the Relacted Importance andTo check the major impact day Des, and R. Ellipticum Are Economically and DOMTICALLY Important Plant Species.AS Such Species Are Harvested for Timber, Fuel Wood, Fodder, and Medicinal Purposes, They Are Over-EXPLOITED in Addition to their Food Purpose. Rapidly DeClining Populations in the Study Area.Over-Harvessting of Multipurpose Species the Main Factor that Threnet the Plant Species [77]. This demonstrated how the local people used the MultipurPose Plant Species in Various Ways to Meet their Basic Requirements, and are comparable to this of the study condition on howThey used the multipurpose plants from Northwestern Ethiopia [78]. This Clearly Showed Howard how Acts on the Area’s Plant Species, As SUP ported by Panhwar et al. [79] and razaq et al. [80]. In addition, habitatDestruction, Clearing of the Virgin Forest for Rice Cultivation, and Collection of Timber and Fuelwood are the Major Privems. Oducts in the Study Area, Similar to the Case in the Western Region of Mizoram [81]. The localCommities Adopted the Unsustainable and Destructive Harvesting Technique of the Study Specties, Especially The Tree Species wheres are daMaged by T HE Collector While Collecting The Tender Leaves, FRUITS, and Flowers for Multipurpose Use (E.G. A Indica, D. Excelsum, and O.Indicum). This Finding is consistent with the standy [81] On Ethnomedicinal Plants of the Western Region of Mizoram. Such Practice SEVERET PLATECT PLANT GROWTH vival. The damage was more pronounded in time.It can be gathered from the group. Digging the tabers and uprooting the whole plants weel the most prevalent techniques for the Herb Species, consistent with a Study of wevs in the sound gondar zone, northwestern ethiopia [78].
According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (), E. Superbum is list as near threatened in the present study, which of the way, ROUGH Community Awareness of Afflonce Burden Exrted on Wevs Populerations by the Local Inhabitans. One Species is classifyAs data deficient; Twenty-Eight Species are the lead concentral, and Forty-Two Species have not ben evrance. Ization Conservation A.The Not Evaluated Category are cosmopolitan Species, Mainly Constitute Shrub and Herb Species, Occurring Abundantly in Different Ecologial Areas, Whi Are No t in danger of being lost.
In Addition to the Food Value, The Present Study Documented 47 Species Sold at the Mizoram Local Market (Bara Bazar). ON 42 Species of Wevs in the Longding Distribict of Arunachal Pradesh, India [83].They FURTHER REPORTED that Similar Wevs Sold, Including Musa SP., M. Baccifra, D. Hamiltoni, Z. RHETSA, C. Bracetum, E. FOETIDUM, H. Cordata ETC. In High P Rice. Chaudhury et al. [84] Reported158 Species of Wild Plants Commonly Sold from Seven Markets in The EasterN Himalayan State of Assam, India. In mizoram, Men are actering vegetables; Sponsible for the Selling of Forest Products in the Local Market in Higher Proportion than Men Men Men, WhichWAS Consistent with the Study of the Marketing Potential of Wevs in Central India [85]. FICANTLY IMPACTED HOUSEHOLD Income Generation, As Reported by UPRETY et al. [86] inNepal and Mishra et al. [85] In Central India. As Per the Quantity of the Bundle Size, S. Pennata, C. Asiaatica, and X. RHETSA OFFER A GREAT PRICE in the Under-Studi ED Market; This Indicates TraditationAl Resource USAGEAnd the dependency of wevs for promoting cash infome. Some wevs with good value, and HE Traditational Wevs Reported by the Ethnic Commission,Garden by Encouration Them to Conserve, Manage, and Sustain their use to become more profitable cash crops [38, 87]. Lia ‘Could Apply to the Two Ethnic Tribes Under-Studied, in WhichThe Green Parts of Plants of Numerous Species are often use and highly prized.
The Utilization of Wevs Can Make a Positive Impact in Enhancing Food Security. It Offers a Rich VricHDRIETY, for Example, Portulaca Oleracea in the T Study Contains A High Omega 3 Fatty Acid, Vitamins, And Minerals [6], Likewise, ChenopodiumAlbum is Also Rich in Vitamins (A, C, K), Iron and Proteins [89]. Incorpolation them Into Diets CONTRIBUTE to Overalth and Well-BEING [22]. Wevs can thri. VE Well in Arid Conditions, Even When The ConventionalCrop Is Affected by Climate Change, These Resilient PlanTs Can Serve as a Buffer Against Food Security. USAINABLE AGRICURTURE. Moreover, wevs in the present study offers a household cash economy, empowering local farmers by promoting domerCializationThat COULD Contribute to the Overall Food Security [90] And Foster Economic Development in Rural Areas [91]. F WISDOM PASSED DOWN Through Generations and To Keep This Alive, Documentation, For Example, The Present StudyThat Engaged the Local Communication, Cultural Practors, and Experience is Essential. Aditional PlanTs Sustainably by Holding Workshops, Seminars, and Knowledge-Sharing Sessions. l institutions. To Avoid Over-EXPLOITATION, DOMESTICATION ShULD Be PROMoted Along with Sustainable Harvesting Technology. t in our future well-bebing [31].
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